The most common reason for not exercising is Survey: “No time” is the most common excuse for not exercising. But, if you look closely, it may be about something deeper. Lavinia Rodriguez, a clinical psychologist and author of mind over fat matters:
You will make the effort to exercise if you really want. To find out the most promising strategies, we interviewed exercise scientists, celebrity trainers, authors, and everyday people.
Create a plan
Chris Evert (18-time Grand Slam tennis champion) says that having a written exercise plan is the best way to make it happen. You can then decide the best time to exercise and enter it into your cell phone or computer calendar as a repeat. It will be visible daily, so you are less likely to forget about it. You’ll also see your daily schedule every morning and get a mental picture of how and when you’ll be exercising each day. This helps you stay motivated.
Take five minutes
Simmons says that even if you have a busy schedule, it is possible to take five minutes for yourself. This simple act of self-care can make a huge difference in your life. I tell people that it is OK to start small. A 5-minute walk today can quickly turn into a daily 30-minute walk in a few weeks. He says, “You must start somewhere.”
Limit your screen time
Rodriguez warns against surfing the Internet or cable channels aimlessly. It’s a surefire way of wasting time that you could be used in more productive ways. Set a time limit before you sit down. You might want to keep a kitchen timer handy so you know when it’s time to stop. Franklin Antoian CPT, the founder of, says that most people watch television shows they don’t like because they’re bored. He suggests that you trade 30 minutes of low-value TV time for exercise. “I’m pretty sure you won’t miss it,” he says.
Actively watch
Make the most of TV when you can. While you are watching TV, do some planks and squats as well as yoga poses like squats and lunges. You can keep fitness equipment near your TV, including a kettlebell and resistance bands. You can also use commercial breaks to add in short cardio intervals. You can run up and down stairs or in place. Burpees and jumping jacks are also possible.
Delegate like crazy
Reassess household chores. Can your children do laundry? Can your spouse make dinner? Can you give your spouse any professional tasks so that you can go for a walk or visit the gym on your way home? You don’t have to do everything. You might be able to do things less often, or you may not even need them.
Money can motivate you
You may find that putting some money on the line can give you the motivation to get active. Book a workshop in yoga, a session with a personal coach, or pay for an event or race you need to prepare for. You can hire a babysitter to look after the children while you run. You can also learn salsa.
Keep your eyes open for the positive
Psychologists recommend that you actively edit your negative self-talk to make healthier choices. If you find yourself thinking “I’m too busy to exercise,” try changing your thought pattern to something more positive and empowering. Over time, you will see positive thoughts as a way to help you make better choices.
Be a hot date
Shannon Hammer, motivational speaker, and author of The Positive Portions Food & Fitness Journal, believes that dinner and a movie are so common. What if, instead, you took your date/partner/love interest to a cycling class or a ballroom dance lesson, went on a hike or a picnic, or kicked a soccer ball around the park? Bonus: Research has shown that shared activities increase attraction.
Do brisk business
Many of your coworkers may be in the same boat you are in: They want to exercise but struggle to find the time. What if you moved the weekly progress update and a brainstorming session to a sidewalk or stood during meetings? Your group could hike to the coffee shop instead of ordering in. You can win a new client by arranging a tennis match, rather than ordering dinner. Hammer believes that fresh air and endorphins can spark new ideas.
Get out and socialize
If a friend suggests that you meet for lunch, dinner, or drinks, send an active invitation. You could invite your friend to join you for a yoga class, or just a short walk around the lake. Instead of spending too much time on the phone, emailing back and forth, you could spend some time together on a leisurely bicycle ride or bonding with someone who has never tried an athletic pursuit like indoor climbing.
It is important to incorporate it
Diedre Pai (35), is a mother to two daughters under 3. She has to be creative when it comes to her exercise routine, as she has a toddler and an infant. She squats, instead of bending at her waist while picking up toys, towels, and trash from the floor. She says, “Calf raises are done whenever I stand at the stove or counter and when I go upstairs to change a diaper.” She does several overhead lifts when she picks up her baby. She giggles when she sees children playing outside. Pai says, “I jump in the water and run at their pace. This increases my heart rate,” she adds. Pai estimates that she exercises about 60 minutes a day.
Find a cheerleader
Sometimes what appears to be a lack of time can actually be a lack of motivation. You might consider hiring emotional support. Richard Simmons, a legendary advocate for exercise, says that 35 years ago I decided that I would be the court Jester of Health and get people excited about Fitness. “Because when you’re passionate about something, it’s easy to find the time to do it.” You can nominate a friend, family, or personal trainer to be your cheerleader. They will encourage you daily (positive messages only, no nagging). You can also join an online community such as, which emphasizes camaraderie and hard work.
Be you
Marta Montenegro, MSc, CSCS and CPT, celebrity trainer, and exercise physiology professor at Florida International University, believes that part of why you don’t have time to exercise is because you aren’t focusing on the right workout. She says that you shouldn’t assume that your friend is a runner because she loves running. “Rather, examine your lifestyle and personality to discover a routine that suits your needs. (For more information, please see ” Your Fitness Persona.
Bring your family
You can rope your friends into other group activities if you have family obligations that prevent you from working out regularly. Plan family hikes, family soccer games, after-dinner walks, bike rides, or trips to the gym. Let your children suggest family activities. Pai says that exercising is something you do for your family. “The kids will see that exercise is important for Mommy and Daddy. They will also see it as important to them.”