Research shows that it is never too late for you to get moving and improve your heart health. Recent research found similar benefits for men who started exercising before the age of 30 and those who started after the age 40. According to Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD, a Cleveland Clinic sports cardiologist, exercising can help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
A recent study by French researchers examined the effects of running and cycling on 40 men. They were between 55 and 70 years of age and in good health. The men were divided according to how much exercise they did and when they began exercising. Half of men began running or cycling before the age of 30. Half of the men started running or cycling after age 40.
A variety of tests were performed on the men, including heart rate analysis, exercise testing and an echocardiogram. An echo test is a procedure that creates ultrasound images of the heart and assesses blood flow. The study revealed that both men in the two groups had similar heart health benefits, including lower blood pressure and better heart rate. Researchers say that even though there are some biological changes with age, the heart can still function well if you start exercising after 40. These results are consistent with similar research and show that physical activity is possible at any age.
Before you start exercising
Dr. Phelan agrees with the statement that it is never too late for people to get active. However, he cautions that not everyone should start an exercise program without consulting a doctor. He says that if you have symptoms like chest pains, shortness or lightheadedness or any family history of heart disease, it’s a good idea for you to see a cardiologist before you start intense cardiovascular exercise. He says that you can exercise at any time, provided you are healthy and have a low chance of developing heart disease. He cautioned that you should begin slowly and build up to a more intense routine.
If you’re over 40 and are new to exercising, it is important to listen to your body. You should also take back and joint pain seriously. Research shows that endurance training can also be beneficial for bone density, muscle mass, and cell health. Researchers found that although physical activity can’t stop heart disease, it can slow down the progression of these changes. The researchers concluded that any level of exercise can be good for the heart. Do you have questions about your heart health as an athlete? To learn more, visit our Sports Cardiology Center website.