It is the responsibility of the home care agency to provide qualified and reliable care givers to their clients. Selecting the care givers with necessary qualification and experience is the job of the home care agency. Care givers who can give skilled service and non- skilled service are needed by those requiring the service certified nurses, physiotherapist and occupational therapist, speech therapist etc are needed by home care services giving medical care. It is necessary to get people who are reliable and are able to give emotional support to the older people.

Home Care Agency Duties
Taking Care Of Customers
The home care agency has to provide the necessary services to the customers. The various medical and non- medical services include small house keeping jobs, laundry work and ironing, assistance for bathing and grooming, assistance for doing exercises, grocery shopping and errands, medication administration, meal planning and preparation, diet maintenance, incontinence care, providing companion ship, recreational activities like walking and outings assistance for physiotherapy, arranging appointments with doctors and taking them to the doctor etc. Different customers have different needs and require different work timing. The home care agency should be able to fulfill the needs of the customers. In the absence of the particular care giver, back up care givers should be available to avoid in convenience to the customer.
Determination Of Functions
The personal from home care agency should visit the place or the customer and should make an assessment of the functions to be performed by the care giver send by them. Each customer has unique need. The agency should be able to identify the specific needs of each customer and should be able to provide the care giver according to that. Some clients require live in care givers but some prefer come- go care givers. Some require people with some medical knowledge where as some need care givers only for performing daily activities. Whatever be the need of the customer the home care agency should be able to provide it in the most satisfying way.
Taking Care Of Care Givers
Whether your home care agency is a profit agency or non- profit agency, it is necessary to keep good care of your care givers. In the case of qualified nurses and technicians working in your agency they should be given sufficient salary. When you send live- in care givers make sure that the place is safe for the care giver. Give proper training to the care givers before they are made available for service. Make sure that they are working in a comfortable environment. They should have enough rest and exercises to keep themselves healthy. Having a good relationship with the care givers of your home care agency will in turn boost their dedication to work and they will be able to create good relationship with their clients. So, the job of the care giving agency requires patience, dedication to the clients and care givers and the will to help the older ones in trouble.